- High School Students
Career Guidance Specialists
Meet your Career Guidance Specialists
Meet your Career Guidance Specialists![]()
Meet your Career Guidance Specialists
Visit the College and Career Center at your high school to meet with your Career Guidance Specialist to learn more Career and Technical Education (CTE), Career Exploration, Resumes, and more career services and resources available to you. Select your High School's College & Career Center tab below for location and hours.
College & Career Centers

The College and Career Center at CVHS is located inside the library.
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Select Your High School College & Career Center
Select the tab for your High School College & Career Center to learn more about your campus's College & Career Center location, availability, and contact information for connecting with your Career Guidance Specialist.
Aliso Niguel HS College & Career Center
The College and Career Center at ANHS is located in room 500, just past the library.
Follow us on Instagram for information about upcoming events, workshops, and resources throughout the school year. @anhscollegecareercenter
Follow us on Instagram for information about upcoming events, workshops, and resources throughout the school year. @anhscollegecareercenter
Capo Valley HS College & Career Center
The College and Career Center at CVHS is located inside the library.
Ms. Summer Yim, Career Guidance Specialist, is available Monday through Friday. She can be reached at SJYIM@capousd.org and (949) 364-6100 ext.12060. Walk-ins welcome during tutorial, lunch, and after school, and appointments are available, as well. Follow us on Instagram for info about events, workshops and resources throughout the school year: @capo_collegecareercenter
Dana Hills HS College & Career Center
The College and Career Center at DHHS is upstairs in room 501.
Ms. Marissa Davisson, Career Guidance Specialist is available Thursdays and Fridays. She can be reached at mndavisson@capousd.org and (949) 496-6666 ext. 11501. Walk-ins welcome during tutorial, lunch, and after school. Click HERE to make an appointment with Ms. Davisson. Follow us on Instagram for info about events and resources throughout the school year: @dhhscollegecareercenter
San Clemente HS College & Career Center
The College and Career Center at SCHS is attached to the right side of the library, facing the 100 wing.Ms. Marissa Davisson, Career Guidance Specialist is available Tuesdays and Wednesdays. She can be reached at mndavisson@capousd.org and (949) 492-4165 ext. 13061. Walk-ins welcome during tutorial, lunch, and after school. Follow us on Instagram for info about events and resources throughout the school year: @schs_collegecareercenter
San Juan Hills HS College & Career Center
The College and Career Center at SJHHS is located inside the library.
Ms. Lynne Bell, Career Guidance Specialist, is on campus Monday-Friday from 7:30am-4:00pm. She can be reached at lmbell@capousd.org and (949) 234-5900 ext.16034. Walk-ins welcome before school, at lunch, and after school. Click HERE to make an appointment with Ms. Bell. Follow us on Instagram for info about events, workshops and resources throughout the school year: @sjhhscollegecareercenter
Tesoro HS College & Career Center
The College and Career Center at THS is located next to the Library and the Guidance Office.
Follow us on Instagram for more information about upcoming events, workshops, and resources throughout the school year. @thscollegecareercenter
Follow us on Instagram for more information about upcoming events, workshops, and resources throughout the school year. @thscollegecareercenter